According to article II.4.1 of the Operating Grant Agreement signed by the Anna Lindh Foundation with the European Commission for the triennial phase 2012-2014:
“Unless the Commission requests otherwise, any communication or publication by the beneficiary about the implementation of the work programme, including at a conference or seminar, shall indicate that it has receive the funding of the European Union”
Therefore, the logo of the European Union should be used in any communication or publication by the Anna Lindh Foundation together with the sentence: “with the support of”.
With the support of:
The specific cases where the EU logo must be used include:
- Information tools of the organisation (websites, social media profiles, publications, brochures, newsletters, external documents, power point presentations)
- Corporate promotional products of the organisation (banners, roll-ups, folders, notepads, nametags)
- Promotional products of specific ALF activities (including Anna Lindh Forum, Anna Lindh Report, Citizens for Dialogue, Young Arab Voices, Journalist Award, Farah el Bahr, EuroMed Award)
- Press releases of the organisation, disseminated to the press contacts of the organisation
- Email Alerts of the organisation, circulated through the online system to all the organisation’s contacts database
In line with the precedent set during Phase 1 and 2, there are two specific cases in which the use of the EU logo is not required:
1) Specific stationary materials of the organisation
The use of the logo of the European Union is not required in key branded stationary materials of the Anna Lindh Foundation, that needs to have the Anna Lindh Foundation as a clear and main focus in order not to create confusion on who the employer/sender of the letter is and that the person/letter is not speaking on behalf of the European Union.
These materials are:
- Business cards of staff members
- E-signatures and out of office replies in the work emails of staff members of the organisation
- Official letterhead, envelopes and compliment cards of the organisation
2) Projects not directly organised by the Anna Lindh Foundation
The use of the European Union logo is not required in projects that are not directly organised or co-organised by the Anna Lindh Foundation, because, even though the projects reflects the values and core objectives of the Anna Lindh Foundation, the Foundation is not in a position to control in a comprehensive way the visibility policy of these projects, that have often a number of donors. In addition, the Anna Lindh Foundation cannot issue any disclaimer on behalf of the EU in relation to these projects.
In these situations, the partner organisations will be requested only the use of the Anna Lindh Foundation logo.
These projects are:
- Projects granted by the Anna Lindh Foundation through its Calls for Proposals Scheme
- Activities co-organised by the Anna Lindh Foundation when the ALF contribution consist in the ‘labeling’ (use of the Anna Lindh Foundation logo) or to a Financial contribution of less than 2.000 Euros.